Is Sales Right for You?

Is Sales Right for You?

Might be a strange question to be asking if you are already in sales, but the truth is it does take a certain type of person to be successful in sales. That does not mean you can’t be average in sales if you are not that person but you will never be great.

Is Sales Right for You

Being in sales is not like operations, manufacturing, accounting or human resources. In most of those positions you can ‘learn’ the necessary skills to be successful. Sales is different. For instance, if you are an introvert you are not going to enjoy sales. No matter how hard you try, you will still be an introvert and continually meeting and socializing with new people will make you uncomfortable. This is a huge part of sales.

Sales is part psychology, part strategy, part discipline, part technique, part socialization and part fortitude. If you are going to be successful in sales you have better like meeting new people. You and better at least be able to tolerate rejection. You cannot be afraid to ask for a decision. It is very helpful if you have an alpha personality.

Let’s talk about some questions you can ask yourself.

  • One we already touched on, can you handle rejection? If not you are not going to enjoy sales.Sales Questions
  • What about objections? How do you handle it when someone says “I am not interested”, do you just give up or are you prepared to follow your cold call script and address the objection before they hang up on your or close the door?
  • Do you know how to ask probing and qualifying questions that will lead you closer to a sale?
  • Are you prepared to control the conversation and get the other person talking about themselves and their needs?
  • Do you remain poised under pressure? Can you think fast on your feet?
  • Can you present your ideas in a logical, concise and clear manner?
  • Are you relentless, organized and determined to be successful?
  • Do you understand how to close a deal and are willing to do it?
  • Do you believe in continuous follow up?

The basic skill you need even to begin a sales position is the ability to start a conversation with a stranger.

Are you familiar with the F.O.R.M method for starting a conversation?

F = Family
O – Occupation
R = Recreation
M = Motivation

You can usually start a conversation with strange using this method.

People like to discuss their family. You can usually make small talk with simple questions. Start with generic questions designed to gather information and then continue the conversation based on the response you get.

You could be direct and say “Tell me about your family?”

Then proceed based on the response to ask how they met their wife, where did they grow up, why did they move to their current location, how many kids do they have, etc…

If there are similarities between their family and yours capitalized on that to continue the conversation forward.

Another way to keep small talk going is by talking about their occupation. They obviously have a job since they are one of your sales leads.

Ask them to tell you about their business, what they like best about their job, are they busier this year as Sales Boxescompared to last year, that are the challenges they face (might be good lead in question for your sales pitch), how did they choose their profession, really anything that gives you something to relate to and continue the conversation. The longer you can talk the more likely you are to become friends and make a sale.

Recreation is another thing you can discuss as a small talk topic. Ask them what they do for fun, how much free time do they have, what are their hobbies, how did they get into them, what is their favorite restaurant, again anything you can find that gives you a relation point to continue the conversation.

Finally, motivation can be a good conversation point. Ask them what they would do if they didn’t have to work or if they could work less (perhaps you can help with that), what would they do if money was no object, what makes them the happiest. Again, just find points of interest that keep the conversation moving.

You don’t have to use all the suggestions above and don’t push it or make it seem like you are jumping around from one topic to another. Again, this should at least appear to be a natural conversation. If one topic works and gets them more comfortable with you that is fine.

Now, based on what we just showed you can you make small talk with a stranger or is this still something you are not comfortable with. Yes, it may take some practice but are you willing to try?

If you are then, perhaps sales is right for you.

There are still a lot of things to learn before you can be successful in sales and there is no shame if it simply isn’t the right fit for you. We still need operations, manufacturing, human resources and accounting people.

Let me give you some facts about sales:

  • Over 80 of sales are made after the 5th
  • Almost half of sales people make one call and quit.
  • About a quarter of sales people make two calls and quit.
  • About 15% of sales people make three calls and quit.
  • Only about 1 in 10 sales people keep calling until the 5th call and after.

So, is sales right for you?

“In sales, a referral is the key to the door of resistance.” – Bo Bennett

Read Next: Traits of a Sales Person

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